Meet the Maker


Hi! I'm Meagan, the maker behind Forest Pottery 🍄🌲

During the day I'm an analyst in human resources at a software company. My job is stressful & crazy but in a strange way it's what lead me to clay. I live in a podunk farming town with an amazing partner & 2 rescued pitties. We have several gardens & try to grow as much of our own food as possible. I love spending time in nature and feeling the earth between my toes. I'm quirky and 4 letter words are my favorite - I'm a bohemian hodge podge of randomness!

So how did I get here? Making pots & all that? Strap in for story time!

When I moved into this position at my company I also started working remotely. I had wanted to take a ceramics class for ages but with my commute it wasn't really feasible.

With a TON of encouragement from the future hubs and 10 hours of commuting time now available, I took the plunge and signed up for a ceramics class at my local community college... annnnnd I was hooked.  That first class was in August 2018, wow how time flies!

I've always loved art, but I don't have a background in it and I'm not formally trained. Quite honestly, I wasn't really allowed to take art classes in school (photography was an exception for a little bit but my pops has since come around 😊).  The mud just spoke to my soul and all the art I've been holding in all these years gets to come bubbling out now.

Funny how the universe leads you to where you need to be.

My work truly is a piece of my heart. I've held it inside for so long and I am overjoyed that I finally get to share it 🍄🌲